Palestra “High Speed Aerodynamics Portfolio at AFOSR”

Dia 11 de maio, às 14h30, no Auditório José Grácio, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica
Ivett Leyva é coordenadora do programa de aerodinâmica de alta velocidade do Departamento de Investigação Científica da Força Aérea Americana (AFOSR) e vai estar quinta-feira, 11 de maio, na Universidade de Aveiro, no âmbito do American Corner e em colaboração com o Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, para apresentar a palestra intitulada “High Speed Aerodynamics Portfolio at AFOSR”. A palestra terá lugar no Auditório José Grácio do Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, entre as 14h30 e as 15h45. A apresentação estará a cargo do Diretor do Departamento, Vitor Costa.

O trabalho de Ivett Leyva tem contribuído de forma muito significativa para o desenvolvimento da tecnologia de propulsão de foguetes nos EUA. Leyva supervisiona e fornece orientações técnicas e corretivas para garantir que o seu programa, na área de aerodinâmica de alta velocidade, continue a produzir e a desenvolver tecnologia de ponta que será aplicada para apoiar as empresas, a NASA, e outras agências da força aérea americana.

Dr Ivett Leyva is the Program Officer for High Speed Aerodynamics at AFOSR. She is responsible for setting research directions for her portfolio and funds university grants mainly in the US but also abroad. Before that role, she was a researcher at the Air Force Research Lab in hypersonics and liquid rocket engines. She specialized in hypersonic transition and shear coaxial jet mixing at high pressures. She has a BS, MS and Ph.D. from Caltech. Her Ph.D. was in experimental hypersonics. She is an associate fellow of AIAA and a National Associate of the National Research Council of the National Academies.

AbstractIn this seminar a brief introduction of AFOSR will be given followed by the description of the objectives of the High Speed Aerodynamics Portfolio. This portfolio seeks to address fundamental science gaps in external aerodynamics for Mach numbers higher than five, which prevent us from making hypersonic flight a routine operation. A description of the science gaps will be given. Then, each of the focus subareas from the portfolio will be described by highlighting the current state of the art, the scientific questions we are trying to answer and why. The seven subareas covered by the portfolio are: non-equilibrium flows, shock-boundary layer interactions, flow structure interactions, diagnostics, turbulence, ablation, and boundary layer physics. The seminar will conclude with selected examples from ongoing projects, emphasizing the scientific progress being made by each. Opportunities for international collaboration will also be covered.

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