Dia Mundial do Livro e do Direito de Autor

No dia 23 de abril de 1995 foi proclamado pela UNESCO (Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, Ciência e Cultura), o Dia Mundial

Picture2do Livro e do Direito de Autor, em homenagem ao poeta inglês William Shakespeare (1564-1616) e ao escritor espanhol Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616), que nasceram a 23 de abril.

“As global symbols of social progress, books – learning and reading — have become targets for those who denigrate culture and education, who reject dialogue and tolerance. In recent months, we have seen attacks on children at school and the public burning of books. In this context, our duty is clear – we must redouble efforts to promote the book, the pen, the computer, along with all forms of reading and writing, in order to fight illiteracy and poverty, to build sustainable societies, to strengthen the foundations of peace.”

“Books are invaluable platforms for freedom of expression and the free flow of information – these are essential for all societies today. The future of the book as a cultural object is inseparable from the role of culture in promoting more inclusive and sustainable pathways to development.”

UNESCO. (2015). World book and copyright day 2015. Retrieved from http://www.unesco.org/new/en/wbcd 

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