
Uma escova para lavar a língua e acabar com o mau hálito!?!… Não, uma belíssima história de uma inovação que requereu muita persistência do seu criador e que, depois de muitos Nãos!, conheceu o sucesso através de um vídeo viral na net… Uma bela história de como a net torna o mundo plano… Mas primeiro a história copiada daqui

“Dr. Bob Wagstaff (75 yr old inventor of the Orabrush) spent 8 years trying to bring Orabrush to market. He spent over $40k on an infomercial. It only sold about 100 orders. He approached Walmart, Walgreens, CVS and many others, but no one was interested in his tongue cleaner. He approached Oral-B and Colgate asking if they wanted to buy his patent. They were not interested.

In 2009, as a last ditch effort, Dr. Bob went to the Marriott School of Management at BYU and asked a market research class to see if they could come up with new ways to market the product online. The student group presented their findings and said: “92% of the people who would actually like to try Orabrush will not buy Orabrush on the internet. We suggest you drop the idea of marketing Orabrush on the Internet.”

Escutem-na na voz dos seus principais atores…

E agora podem ficar com o vídeo que fez o sucesso do produto…

“We want to thank YouTube for leveling the playing field and making something like Orabrush possible :)”