Cecília Minayo & António Pedro Costa (CIDTFF)

“We have sought, in this little book, to make accessible the most commonly used procedures for carrying out qualitative research and also to build a justification for them, providing learners and users of the method with an epistemological assurance as to the scientific validity of the process and operations. Comparing this to other texts already published, there is a novelty here: the presentation of a software, webQDA, which facilitates coding of qualitative material and a preliminary analysis of empirical data, which requires completing with a “second order” reflexion that contextualizes and connects the object of study to similar national and international studies.”

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Minayo, M. C. S. & Costa, A. P. (2019). Techniques that Use Speech, Observation and Empathy: Qualitative Research in Action (1st ed.). Oliveira de Azeméis: Ludomedia. Retrieved from https://www.ludomedia.pt/en/prod_details.php?id=183&catId=13&offset=0