J. Bernardino Lopes (CIDTFF, UTAD), Maria Clara Viegas (Politécnico do Porto) & José Alexandre Pinto (CIDTFF, Politécnico do Porto) | IGI Global
O livro “Multimodal Narratives in Research and Teaching Practices”, coordenado pelos investigadores J. Bernardino Lopes (CIDTFF, UTAD), Maria Clara Viegas (Politécnico do Porto) e José Alexandre Pinto (CIDTFF, Politécnico do Porto), conta com vários capítulos da (co)autoria de investigadores do CIDTFF que passamos a listar:
Chapter 1 | The Importance of Making Teaching Practices Public, Shareable, and Usable: The Role of Multimodal Narratives | J. Bernardino Lopes (CIDTFF), Maria Clara Viegas & José Alexandre Pinto (CIDTFF)
Chapter 5 | Using Multimodal Narratives to Study Relationships Between Concepts | António Barbot (CIDTFF)
Chapter 6 | Looking at Linear Algebra Teaching Practices Through Multimodal Narratives | Cecília Costa (CIDTFF) & Ricardo Gonçalves
Chapter 7 | Using Multimodal Narratives in Professional Development to Support Collaborative Work: Improving Teaching Practices to Enhance Learning | J. Bernardino Lopes (CIDTFF)
Chapter 8 | Using Multimodal Narratives in Teacher Education | José Alexandre Pinto (CIDTFF)
Chapter 9 | Multimodal Narratives as a Tool for In-Service Teachers in an Online Professional Development Course | Daniela Pedrosa (CIDTFF), Gonçalo Cruz & Leonel Morgado
Chapter 10 | Improving Visual Representations’ Impact in Mathematics Teaching With Multimodal Narratives | Paula Montenegro, Cecília Costa (CIDTFF) & J. Bernardino Lopes (CIDTFF)
Chapter 12 | Using Multimodal Narratives in Science and Technology Education Research | José Paulo Cravino (CIDTFF)
Chapter 14 | Researching Science and Technology Teachers’ Decisions Through Multimodal Narratives | Carla Aguiar dos Santos (CIDTFF)
Chapter 15 |Researching One’s Own Practice: Reflections on the Teaching of Linear Algebra Using Multimodal Narratives | Ricardo Gonçalves, Cecília Costa (CIDTFF)
Chapter 18 | Multimodal Narratives in Nursing Education: Exploring Their Potentialities | Marília Rua (CIDTFF), Rita M. F. Leal & Nilza Costa (CIDTFF)
O Editorial Advisory Board conta com a presença de Isabel Alarcão (CIDTFF) e vários investigadores do CIDTFF intregram ainda a lista de revisores da obra: Teresa Bettencourt, Betina Lopes, Maria João Loureiro, Isabel Malaquias, Teresa Neto, Fátima Paixão, Xana Sá Pinto & Lucília Santos.
“While already validated by the scientific community, multimodal narratives have the potential for a broader application, especially for improved teaching practices from a professional or a theoretical point of view. Applying multimodal narratives within professional development courses creates a focus on the teaching practices rather than the content itself.
Multimodal Narratives in Research and Teaching Practices provides educator and researcher perspectives on the use of multimodal narratives as a tool to reflect and improve teaching practices. Covering such topics as professional development, online learning, and teacher education, this publication is designed for educators, academicians, administrators, and researchers.”
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Lopes, J.B., Viegas. M.C. & Pinto J.A. (2019). Multimodal Narratives in Research and Teaching Practices. Hershey PA: IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8570-1. retrieved from https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/the-importance-of-making-teaching-practices-public-shareable-and-usable/222101?camid=4v1