Vol 10, No.1

A investigadora do CIDTFF, Betina da Silva Lopes integra o conselho editorial da revista do Mauritius Institute of Education.

Excerto do editorial:

“As impact of technology on education an editorial team, we decided to devote this edition of the journal to the impact of technology on education. This immediately raises the question: What exactly is meant by technology? An easy answer is that technology involves the development and construction of ‘things’, along with the application of tools, instruments and systems to meet human needs. Most readers of this journal own a mobile device – a smart phone or a tablet. This is a technological ‘thing’, an artefact that meets numerous human needs: my mobile device is simultaneously a telephone, a map and location-finder, a computer, torch,
music collection, radio, TV, camera, video-player, travel guide, book library, games console, translator, dictaphone – and much (much) more. It is most certainly a box of tools, a series of instruments and a plethora of systems – quite often acting together in concert. It is a thing of many technologies combined and contained in one plastic casing.”

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