Ana Balula (CIDTFF) & Sandra Vasconcelos (CIDTFF) | Developments in Virtual Learning Environments and the Global Workplace
Even though, over the last decades, most Higher Education Institutions (HEI) have come to increasingly integrate technology in their practices, namely as a way of enhancing students’ learning experiences and the cohesive development of skills, and preparing them for a digital and global workplace, never before did technology play such a pivotal role. In the aftermath of the recent COVID-19 outbreak, this paper puts forward an annotated list of strategies used within the scope of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) teaching and learning. Focussed on technology-based approaches, it makes a case for collaboration and skill integration as a way of promoting practice-driven innovation and reflection.
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Balula, A., & Vasconcelos, S. (2021). Stepping Up to the Challenge: Innovative Online Strategies in the ESP Digitalised Classroom. In S. Swartz, B. Barbosa, I. Crawford, & S. Luck (eds.), Developments in Virtual Learning Environments and the Global Workplace.IGI Gobal.