Francisco Parrança da Silva (CIDTFF) | Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Languages & Literature, 17(1), e1294


In this article we discuss how Linguistic Landscapes (LL) as a pedagogical tool can be applied in the framework of Global Citizenship Education (GCE). We explore the pedagogical use of LL, which are the visible representation of multilingualism and diversity in public spaces, and their role for GCE practices. Research about LL has revealed their potential to support the development of students’ critical awareness of diversity, empathy towards culturally and linguistically diverse others, and agency for Social Linguistic Justice. The article emphasizes the synergistic relationship between GCE and LL. Through a comprehensive state-of-the-art literature review in both fields, in this article we argue for the potential of using LL as a pedagogical tool to promote GCE. Our conclusions underscore the potential of LL as a pedagogical tool that can support students to become critically informed, empathetic, and actively engaged global citizens, thus contributing to a more sustainable world.

Keywords: Linguistic landscapes, Global citizenship education, Global citizenship, State-of-the-art review, Social and linguistic justice

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da Silva, F. P. (2024). Learning from the streets: a state-of-the-art review about Linguistic Landscapes and Global Citizenship Education. Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Languages & Literature, 17(1), 2024, e1294.