Teaching 2030: Future-proof your classroom: teaching skills 2030 é um projeto financiamento pelo ERASMUS+, Parcerias Estratégicas no domínio no Ensino Superior.

O seu principal objetivo é preparar professores e educadores do Ensino Superior para a sua profissão em 2030, através da implementação de oito módulos para o treino de competências-chave, numa lógica de online based web training.

Liderado pela Universidade de Ciências Aplicadas de Burgenland (Áustria), o consórcio envolve instituições de oito países europeus (Universidade de Maribor (Eslovénia), Eszterhazy Karoly University Eger (Hungria), Universidade de Rijeka – FTHM Opatija (Croácia), Universidade de Valência (Espanha), University St. Kliment Ohridski – Bitola  (Macedónia), Universidade de Perúgia (Itália), Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal) e a empresa Create 21st century (Áustria)).

Da equipa da Universidade de Aveiro fazem parte Elisabeth Kastenholz, Celeste Eusébio e  Zélia Breda (DEGEIT/UI_GOVCOP), Gillian Moreira (Reitoria_UA) e António Moreira (DEP/CIDTFF).

O projeto decorrerá ao longo de 30 meses (setembro de 2017 e fevereiro de 2020) e está dotado de um orçamento global de 270 mil euros.



Education in 2030 will undergo huge changes with generation Z in the classroom. The “real digital natives” will influence economic structures as well as the educational system due to their modified skills, attitudes and behavior. Educators at tertiary level have to be prepared for the requirements and needs of this generation.  The World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) estimates that in future 83% of the course content will be individualized, with only 17% being standardized. Moreover, the role of educators at the tertiary level will be split between guiding and mentoring processes (73%), knowledge delivery (19%) and validation of student’s work (8%) (online: WISE summit). This means a decisive change in the role of future educators and institutions in Europe are not all at the same educational level.

The objective of the EU funded project within the Erasmus+/Strategic Partnerships “Future-proof your classroom – teaching skills 2030” is to deliver an innovative educational Blended-Learning course, (TEACHING 2030) including a web based training in an appealing cBook format for teachers, trainers and educators that can be accessed without limitations and is free of charge. The on-line (cBook) and on-site (iLabs) trainings equip educators with the decisive competencies and skills for successful teaching in future. The course comprises eight modules covering topics like the future professional role of educators, producing technological tools for tuition (videos, podcasts, online presentations…), designing holistic learning experiences; combining technology and emotion in class, framing the course contents by using on-line and on-site education and using Social media, including netiquette, for tuition. The project meets the needs of educators, aged around 40, who are still described as “digital immigrants” in contrast to students belonging to generation Z who are skilled in the use of technology. As a consequence professors, tutors, trainers and lecturers have to be equipped with the competencies and skills in order not to follow but to lead this new generation.

The work will be carried out by a consortium of nine institutions, each of them having certain tasks within the project management and the course development. The University of Applied Sciences Burgenland in Austria is the applicant organization, working together with the The Eszterházy Károly University  in Eger, the University of Maribor, the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management in Opatija, the St. Kliment Ohridski University in Bitola, the University of Perugia, the University of Valencia and the  University of Aveiro. Create mediadesign, situated in Vienna, is in charge of the technical implementation. Each partner has outstanding experience in international project management as well as educational technology.

The methodology of the project follows five decisive phases, the designing and structuring of the course is followed by the first version; after a cultural adjustment the final version is produced; the testing and evaluation then makes the course perfect. Feedback and production phases are closely linked together for the best outcome. In contrast to many initiatives and courses that only present a collection of electronic materials or tutorials, the final result of the course TEACHING 2030 follows the entire concept of storytelling. The contents of the modules will be arranged within a dramaturgic setting. Each module is structured like an arc of suspense, which means that during the entire module a story of teaching experiences in future is told. Each partner has to write the storyboards for the exercises of the respective module arranging these exercises in a kind of stage play. The project members figure as stage directors involving the audience – the future “learner” – in the “play”.

Longer term benefits will emerge on different levels. Personally, learning within the stay-play approach is fun. Thus educators are motivated to be engaged in technological issues of teaching and to reduce anxiety when it comes to electronic teaching formats. At institutional level, the course can be implemented within teacher trainings, accrediting ECTS points.  The more individualized use at universities can be enhanced by the possibility that certain e-exercises or modules can be extracted and integrated in LMS platforms at universities via Open Access. Moreover, the on-site training  can be enriched by additional exercises and tools according to the specific needs of the educators at the respective university. At European level, the flexible use of the course is a great advantage for its sustainability. The cBook part can be used as a MOOC across Europe without geographical limitations or limitations in access.