Isabel Vale, Ana Barbosa & Isabel Cabrita (CIDTFF) | in Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica / Mathematics (QRDM), 7, pp. 53-60


“Students are active individuals that build, modify and integrate ideas, interacting with the physical world, materials and other students. Furthermore, not all students learn in the same way, some learn better by seeing, others by listening, others by moving. So, we developed an exploratory study of qualitative nature, with elementary preservice teachers, where the emphasis was on a teaching approach based on problem solving, mathematical communication and collaborative work that involved the manipulation of a sheet of paper. We intended to identify the relevance of this approach with preservice teachers and what were the main difficulties revealed, related to the proposed tasks. Preliminary results allowed to identify several difficulties in terms of mathematical communication and the manipulation of the sheet of paper to solve a problem. However, they reacted positively to the tasks, expressing interest, motivation and recognition of its importance in mathematical learning at any level.”

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Vale, I., Barbosa, A. & Cabrita, I. (2020). Paper folding for an active learning of mathematics: an experience with preservice teachers. Journal Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica / Mathematics (QRDM), 7, special issue, 53-60. ISSN: 1592-4424.