A Investigadora do CIDTFF e Coordenadora do Laboratório de Supervisão e Avaliação do CIDTFF, Betina Lopes, iniciou a 31 de dezembro de 2020 funções como investigadora doutorada júnior ao abrigo do Concurso de Estímulo ao Emprego Científico (CEEC) Individual 2018. 

Com uma duração de 6 anos, o contrato da investigadora – anteriormente contratada no âmbito da norma transitória do Decreto Lei 57/2016 – permitirá o desenvolvimento do projeto intitulado “Science Teacher Education in Portuguese speaking countries from the African, Caribbean & Pacific (ACP) region involving Portuguese Higher Education Institutions as development-cooperation actors: empowering policies and practices through research”.

Alinhado com os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) 4 – Educação de Qualidade, e 17 – Parcerias para a Implementação dos Objetivos, o projeto tem como objetivos:

  1. Mapear o conhecimento (explícito e tácito) produzido no domínio da formação de professores de ciências, no âmbito de protocolos de colaboração internacional que envolvam instituições de ensino superior públicas portugueses; 
  2. Codesenvolver estratégias de formação/educação em Ciências com parceiros de instituições africanas e timorenses da CPLP.

O CEEC 2018 financiou seis contratos na área da Educação, tendo os resultados sido comunicados pela FCT a 27 de novembro de 2019.

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Sobre o projeto*

Abstract: In a society that is increasingly shaped by Science & Technology, inclusive and equitable development implies quality science education. Qualified and motivated (science) teachers are key-factors to achieve this goal around the world, and in particular in developing countries. Portuguese Higher Education institutions (PHEI) have been collaborating in many (science) teacher education programs of Portuguese speaking developing countries from the ACP region. So far, accumulated experience remains unexplored compromising the quality and impact of the Science teacher education (STE). This 6-year project, with a mixed-method approach, aims to constitute an international network specialized in STE in the context of development cooperation. The project is focused on informing and assisting ongoing and future institutional policies and practices considering STE involving Educational institutions from the ACP region. Two main lines of action are planned: (i) to map knowledge produced within the protocols of two public Portuguese universities with long tradition in STE and its corresponding partners; (ii) co-develop with African & Timorese partners specific instruments that may empower STE in developing countries.

United Nations 2030 Agenda goals:

Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

Keywords: Education and Teachers for 2030; Portuguese Development Cooperation Model; Professional Development; Science Education; Policy-relevant research

*Dados disponibilizados pela investigadora