23 março, 2021 | 8h30 AM EST | Online

A investigadora do CIDTFF, Nilza Costa participou no passado dia 23 de março, 2021, no webinar “Innovative Global Practices in Teacher Education”, organizado pelo Forum for World Education em direto no Facebook e canal de Youtube.

O Painel de discussão em que participou contou também com a presença de Minxuan Zhang (antigo presidente da Shanghai Normal University’s College of Education), Sarah Gravett (Faculty of Education, University of Johannesburg) e Christoph Meinel (Hasso-Plattner Institute).

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Tema da sessão:

Teaching is challenging in the best of times. Over the past year, teachers worldwide have been further challenged by the health, social, and economic fallout associated with COVID-19. As we emerge from the pandemic, it is more important than ever to marshal all the resources at our disposal to ensure that we maintain a strong teaching force through pre-service training and in-service professional development and support that enables us to “build back better.”