Já se encontra disponível online, o Volume 11, Special Issue, December 2020 da revista MIE Journal of education, subordinado ao tema “epistemology, methodology and research in language studies”.

A investigadora do CIDTFF Betina da Silva Lopes, integra a equipa editorial desta revista, da responsabilidade do Mauritius Institute of Education (MIE), organismo paraestatal, que trabalha a sob a alçada do Ministério da Educação e Recursos Humanos das Maurícias.

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Excerto da introdução:

“This Special Issue of the MIE Journal of Education follows the inaugural event of the Language Studies Doctoral Research Laboratory, the Journées d’études on the theme Epistemology, Methodology and Research in Language Studies (Epistémologie, méthodologie et recherche en sciences du langage). The event was a platform for academic discussions on epistemological, methodological, and paradigmatic developments, in different types of research work, including doctoral research. The ‘Journée d’études’ also established a channel of communication, support and collaboration with International universities and research laboratories (i.e. Université de Tours, Université de La Réunion, Laboratoire ICARE). The speakers and presenters approached the theme from diverse angles to offer clarity and depth of discussion, as well as expert insights addressing the complexity of research in the 21st century, and the need to explore different methodological frameworks which move beyond traditional paradigms into more expansive perceptions and understandings of research. The theme also corresponds to the crux of the research process, where the researcher is confronted with the need to navigate and negotiate different tensions between ontology, epistemology and methodology.”