Davys Moreno (CIDTFF), Ana Maia & Paulo Jacob | in Corpi Fisici: Physical Bodies, Atti del {XXIII} Colloquio di Informatica Musicale, pp. 156-164


The present study aims to find technological solutions to facilitate the inclusion of children with Special Needs in learning music. To achieve this end, a systematic literature review was conducted, between the years 2017 and 2022, with the keyword “accessible digital musical instruments” in different search engines and databases. In addition, a questionnaire survey was carried out to the musicians integrating the musical groups 5ª Punkada and Ligados às Máquinas belonging to APC-Coimbra in Portugal. The results of the questionnaires provide us with information about the difficulties, the life stories, the dreams, the supports, and the technologies that the elements of the two groups use. The results obtained in the literature review refer to the presentation of a set of ADMI, adapted musical instruments, software, etc., that can be used by different users with Special Needs. In conclusion, it is referred the actuality of this theme, the expensive cost and lack of access to accessible digital musical instruments, the need for further studies, the importance of the training of those involved in the use of these resources. We believe that it is possible, with the participation of the whole community, to continue promoting “music for all”.

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Moreno, D, Maia, A., & Jacob, P. (2023). Music for all: finding digital resources. In L. Gabrielli (ed.), Corpi Fisici: Physical Bodies, Atti del {XXIII} Colloquio di Informatica Musicale (pp. 156-164). http://cim.lim.di.unimi.it/2022_CIM_XXIII_Atti.pdf