Inês Cardoso (CIDTFF), Rosa Lídia Coimbra, Eduardo Calil, Luciana Graça (CIDTFF) & Luísa Álvares Pereira | Development of Writing Skills in Children in Diverse Cultural Contexts, pp 137-168
In the most recent years, the official language teaching guidelines in our country claim a strong articulation between grammar and writing, by the means of pedagogical tools, which activate reflection and enlighten decision-taking while (re)writing and revising the texts under construction. Nonetheless, the way it might be put into practice isn’t still very clear until today. In this study, we take into consideration the role of grammatical knowledge in writing, considering both the collaborative writing process and the written texts. Children metalinguistic activity during the process of writing texts, on one hand, and quality of writing assessment, on the other, were possible to observe through data collected in a longitudinal study comparing performances of the same pupils in grade 2 and grade 4. The results show children brought to discussion more metalinguistic terms in the most advanced level considered. These terms might be a sign of metalinguistic knowledge, indicating more terms will mean better texts. This was globally confirmed in our sample, as we saw collaborative writing contributed to activate the explanation of metalinguistic knowledge, conducting to a writing process managed with more engagement and awareness. However, there are acquired concepts not mentioned in children’s dialogues or concepts they do not ponder, since they are not still part of their metalinguistic and textual knowledge. These findings seem then to reinforce the role of a pedagogic intervention alongside the writing process, focused on the textual genre and on reviewing and justifying specific students’ choices.
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Cardoso, I., Coimbra, R. L., Calil, E., Graça, L., & Pereira, L. Á. (2023). Grammatical Choices and Narrative Quality in the Collaborative Writing of Primary School Students. In A. G. Spinillo & C. Sotomayor (eds), Development of Writing Skills in Children in Diverse Cultural Contexts (pp.137-168). Springer.