O livro “Researching Educational Practices, Teacher Education and Professional Development for Early Language Learning”, editado por Sandie Mourão e Carolyn Leslie, inclui dois captítulos da autoria de investigadoras CIDTFF, que damos a conhecer:
Climbing the ladder of global citizenship: The discourses and practices of pre-service primary English teachers in Portugal | Mónica Lourenço (CIDTFF)
This chapter presents the results of a case study that aimed to understand whether, how and to what extent pre-service primary English teachers in Portugal are educating for global citizenship. Data were collected from student teachers’ practicum reports developed between 2017 and 2022, a period marked by extensive reforms to reintroduce citizenship education and qualify specialised primary English teachers. Results from content analysis reveal that global citizenship education (GCE) is present in about 10 percent of reports, albeit aligned with a humanistic orientation. Student teachers seem to discover meaningful entries and approaches to introduce GCE topics related to diversity and sustainability, using storytelling and pluralistic approaches. Yet, they struggle with discussing these issues with children and assessing learning. Findings suggest that it is important to invest in STs’ education, offering time and spaces to help them unpack preconceptions, experiment with GCE and consider more critical understandings of this concept.
[em open acces] Professional learning competences and tasks in primary English teacher education curricula in Portugal | Flávia Vieira, Sandie Mourão, Ana Isabel Andrade (CIDTFF) & Ana Raquel Simões (CIDTFF)
The expansion of early language learning worldwide has fostered the need to prepare qualified teachers of English in primary education. This chapter presents partial findings from a multi-site case study of initial teacher education master’s programmes created in 2015 in Portugal when English became compulsory in Grades 3 and 4. A multi-method approach was used to investigate ten programmes, involving the analysis of curricula and a sample of practicum reports, along with inquiry to former student teachers, faculty supervisors and cooperating teachers. Findings reported here refer to the organisation of curricula and the intended professional learning competences and tasks as described in the syllabi of course units. The findings portray a holistic understanding of the profile of future teachers as reflective professionals, highlighting the role of curriculum design in projecting meaningful learning scenarios. Shortcomings and recommendations for future development are pointed out, namely the need to enhance a practical orientation across the curriculum and expand teacher inquiry in the practicum. Variability across programmes suggests the need for more intra-/inter-institutional dialogue regarding the determination of core and peripheric elements in the preparation of English teachers for primary education.
“Researching Educational Practices, Teacher Education and Professional Development for Early Language Learning: Examples from Europe” é uma coleção de trabalhos apresentados na conferência online TEdELL2020, parte da então ‘Early Language Learning research Network’, que se veio a tornar na ELLRA – Early Language Learning Research Association.
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Lourenço, M. (2024). Climbing the ladder of global citizenship: The discourses and practices of pre-service primary English teachers in Portugal. In S. Mourão & C. Leslie, Researching Educational Practices, Teacher Education and Professional Development for Early Language Learning (pp. 127-142). Routledge. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781003289043-11/
Vieira, F., Mourão, S., Andrade, A. I., & Simões, A. R. (2024). Professional learning competences and tasks in primary English teacher education curricula in Portugal. In S. Mourão & C. Leslie, Researching Educational Practices, Teacher Education and Professional Development for Early Language Learning (pp. 193-207). Routledge. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/oa-edit/10.4324/9781003289043-16/