Investigadoras CIDTFF contribuíram para a SRHE International Conference 2024, sobre “Higher Education: A Place for Activism and Resistance?”, que decorreu online no dia 2 de dezembro, e no East Midlands Conference Centre in Nottingham, Reino Unido, de 4 a 6 de dezembro de 2024.
O Simpósio “Integrating social action towards linguistic and cultural diversity in initial teacher education curricula”, de 2 de dezembro, incluiu duas apresentações da coautoria de investigadoras CIDTFF:
“Addressing linguistic equality and educational justice in two teacher education programs: voices from pre-service French and Geography teachers in Germany” por Lisa Marie Brinkmann (apresentadora), Franziska Gerwers, Neli Heidari, Sílvia Melo-Pfeifer (CIDTFF) e Sandra Sprenger
We analyse how pre-service teachers of two different school subjects – French as a foreign language and Geography – reacted and evaluated the introduction of a module on service learning, addressing the interconnection of linguistic equality and educational justice. We first present the module “Linguistic equality as a basis for social and educational justice”, which delved into the relationship between linguistic (in)equalities and social and educational justice. We then describe its integration in two teacher education programs, at a German university, in Summer Semester 2024. More specifically, we describe the implementation setting, the tasks assigned to the pre-service teachers, the projects they developed, and their assessment of the integration of the module in their teaching education. This study allows us to understand how pre-service teachers in the two cohorts foresee their role as teachers supporting linguistic equality to address cognitive and educational justice at school.
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“Promoting culturally and linguistically responsive teaching in initial teacher education programmes at the University of Aveiro” por Susana Pinto (CIDTFF, apresentadora), Maria Helena Araújo e Sá (CIDTFF), Raquel Carinhas (CIDTFF), Mónica Lourenço (CIDTFF), Alexandra das Neves & Madalena Teixeira (CIDTFF).
Acknowledging the importance of integrating service learning (SL) and culturally and linguistically responsive teaching in initial teacher education, this contribution explores the perspectives of HE teachers and student teachers as to the integration in the syllabi of Teaching Master’s Programmes courses of specific-themed modules on SL towards linguistic and cultural diversity. The study was undertaken at the University of Aveiro, in 2023-2024, and both teachers and student teachers’ perspectives (regarding rationales, activities staged, potential and challenges of the integration of modules and learning outcomes achieved) were collected by means of an observation grid and treated using thematic analysis. Findings attest to the relevance of integrating themes such as social action, linguistic (in)equality, language activism and linguistic/cultural management in border regions in initial teacher education programmes as they sparked student teachers’ interest in developing SL projects aimed at promoting linguistic and cultural diversity.
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