Isabel Cabrita, investigadora do CIDTFF, marcou presença no 70th CIEAEM, “Mathematics and living together: social process and didactic principle”, em Mostaganem, Argélia, entre os dias 15 e 19 de julho, com a comunicação intitulada “Mathematics outside the classroom: examples with preservice teachers” e com uma intervenção convidada no painel final do evento.

O congresso da International Commission for the Study and Enhancement of Mathematics Teaching, um dos mais relevantes na área da educação em matemática a nível mundial e no qual estiveram presentes participantes de 26 países, abordou quatro principais temas:

1. A matemática e o ensino sustentável;
2. Matemática Transfronteiriça;
3. Matemática e o diálogo com outras disciplinas, entre professores e investigadores;
4. Repensar a história da matemática.

Divulgamos o resumo da comunicação, disponibilizado pela autora:

The classroom is only one of the “homes” where education takes place. The use of non-formal teaching contexts, such as the surrounding environment, constitutes an educational context that can promote positive attitudes among students and an additional motivation for the study of mathematics. Teaching should be enriched with challenging tasks, aimed at developing cognitive abilities, such as problem posing and solving, and also encourage creative thinking. Thus, arise the trails, which consist of a sequence of tasks that the students have to solve, along a preplanned route. In this process, teacher education has a fundamental role, providing (future) teachers with the same experiences they are expected to offer to their own students. The trails have great potential for all the students who experience them. Thus, we will discuss some of that potential developed in the context of initial teacher training.

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