Maria Helena Araújo e Sá (CIDTFF), Nilza Costa (CIDTFF), Cecília Guerra (CIDTFF), Betina Lopes (CIDTFF), Mónica Lourenço (CIDTFF) & Susana Pinto (CIDTFF) | in The Doctorate as Experience in Europe and Beyond: Supervision, Languages, Identities, pp. 15-51

Descrição do livro:

“The Doctorate as Experience in Europe and Beyond presents a detailed and fascintating account of completing a doctorate from the perspectives of researchers, supervisors and students. It provides an in-depth insight through qualitative data, interpretative methods and insider experiences for a truly unique perspective.

Given the popularity of doctoral studies and their increasing importance outside of academia, the PhD has needed to evolve and develop, particularly given its role in the internationalization of universities. Drawing on in-depth interviews with international participants, this book explores case studies and comparative analysis of the dimensions of researcher identity, the processes of supervision and the use of languages for teaching and learning and conducting research.

Providing a keen insight into how the internationalization of higher education is affecting the doctoral experience, The Doctorate as Experience in Europe and Beyond is ideal reading for all academics, doctoral supervisors and examiners as well as postgraduate students involved in doctoral education.”

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Araújo e Sá, M. H. , Costa, N. , Guerra, C. , Silva-Lopes, B. , Lourenço, M. , & Pinto, S. . (2020). Case studies – University of Aveiro, Portugal. In M. Byram & M. Stoicheva (eds.), The Doctorate as Experience in Europe and Beyond: Supervision, Languages, Identities (15-51). Abingdon: Routledge. Retrieved from