No dia 3 de Outubro de 2022, pelas 11h00, o investigador Boris Vazquez-Calvo será orador principal do primeiro Seminário Científico de Discussão Interna do LabELing no ano letivo 2022/2023, intitulado “DEFINERS: the Intersection of Preservice Language Teacher Identity and Digital Technologies”.
Este seminário decorrerá em formato híbrido. A sessão está aberta a todos os interessados, presencialmente na sala 5.3.27 do Departamento de Educação e Psicologia da Universidade de Aveiro, ou online, via zoom-colibri (link de acesso disponibilizado após inscrição).
Boris Vazquez-Calvo é professor assistente de Inglês Língua Estangeira e educação L2 na Universidad de Malaga, Espanha. Os seus interesses de investigação atuais abordam a aprendizagem e tradução de línguas, cultura digital e práticas de fãs, e no discurso mediado pela tecnologia.
Resumo da comunicação:
“Historically, I have investigated how language teachers and learners use a wide array of digital technologies in formal educational contexts (dictionaries, Google Translate, spell and grammar checkers, etc.) and informal contexts of learning (fan practices that may be conducive to language learning). The intersection of the two areas of research becomes relevant on several levels, one of which is the influence using digital technologies exerts into configuring language teachers’ evolving identities. Among the multiple perspectives to the study of language teacher identity (teacher’s past histories and experiences, imagined futures, the performance of associated roles in relevant sociocultural contexts), identities are negotiated and constructed in dialogue with self and others, including other teachers, learners, or managers. Identities are also negotiated and constructed in interaction with non-human material objects, such as digital technologies like social media and video games. There lies the interest of my research; the mediation (or lack of mediation) of digital technologies in the way preservice language teachers learn and teach languages. In order to look into preservice language teachers’ identities in relation to digital technologies, a team of researchers and I have proposed a quantitative-qualitative study, which we have entitled Digital language learning of junior language teachers (DEFINERS). DEFINERS is in the making, and aims to collect data in Spain, Portugal, mainland China, Macau, the US, the UK, and Australia. DEFINERS uses a questionnaire, interviews, and follow-up observations. We are still finalizing the design of the data collection instruments. I am ready to present the questionnaire for discussion among CIDTFF experts. As language teacher identity is a transversal topic in my own lessons in language teacher training courses, I will also present one bridging activity that I use as an introductory activity. This activity uses the generation of memes, a composition of a story, and the narration of it to present past, present, and future conceptions of self as learners and teachers of preservice language teachers. With some video examples from students, we will see an attractive way to reveal preservice teachers’ identities using their own vernacular modes of communication.”
Inscrições para Francisco Parrança Silva.
Próximo(s) Seminário(s) LabELing:
26/10/202 | 14h30 | Rosângela Pimenta: O ponto de vista dos alunos sobre a aula de Expressão Escrita