Susana Ambrósio (CIDTFF), Ricardo Torres (CIDTFF) & Sara Santos (CIDTFF) | In ICERI2022 Proceedings: 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (pp. 4572-4580)


Social Sciences have a recent and scarce relation with Science Communication (SC) and the Education field is no exception. Being aware of this trend and in order to convert it, a Research Fellows Nucleus, within an Educational Research Centre, promoted a SC Training cycle for graduate students. The aim of this study is twofold. On the one hand, it intends to understand if Educational trainees’ profile is similar or not to the profile of the other scientific areas, as well as their SC experience and motivations to attend the SC training workshops. To collect the data a questionnaire was applied. The results suggest some similarity (age), but different regarding gender (women dominated). The study also show that the majority of the trainees had already some experience in SC, what can be explained by the fact that the Research Centre is an active promoter of SC initiatives and in engaging researchers in them. On the other hand, this study intends to fill the gap in the literature on SC training where Educational Sciences have little or no representativity and, simultaneously, highlight the importance of SC in Education and SC training for Educational Researchers.

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Ambrósio, S., Torres, R., & Santos, S. (2022). Education and Science Communication Training: a study within a research fellows nucleus. In ICERI2022 Proceedings: 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (pp. 4572-4580).