4 – 6 março, 2024 | Valência

Entre os dias 4 e 6 de março de 2024, realizou-se em Valência a INTED 2024, 18th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, que contou com vários contributos por investigadores do CIDTFF, que damos a conhecer:

Apresentações orais:

Active learning methodologies in higher education: reflections on the perceptions of portuguese teachers and training opportunities | por Gabriela Reses (CIDTFF), Vânia Carlos (CIDTFF) & Sandra Soares

A case study about feedback literacy: providing information and managing affect | por Rodrigo Faria (CIDTFF), Daniela Pedrosa (CIDTFF), Betina da Silva Lopes (CIDTFF) & Fernanda Ribeiro Faria(CIDTFF)

Communicating science through a podcast: the case of “Pod’Isto?” | por Gabriela Reses (CIDTFF), Erickinson Lima (CIDTFF), Rita Rodrigues (CIDTFF) & Margarida Lucas (CIDTFF)

Development of an interactive learning resource based on comics using a design thinking approach | por Marina Mota (CIDTFF), Cristina Manuela Sá (CIDTFF) & Cecília Guerra (CIDTFF)

Mobile augmented reality app with 3d models: the EduCITY app | por Rita Rodrigues (CIDTFF) & Lúcia Pombo (CIDTFF)

Mobile augmented reality games for authentic science learning: perspectives of students (future teachers) on the EduCITY activity | por Lúcia Pombo (CIDTFF) & Rita Rodrigues (CIDTFF)

Teaching science and creativity through challenge-based leaning: a formative proposal for pre-service teachers | por Erika Ribeiro, Ana Rodrigues & J. Katz-Buonincontro

Apresentações virtuais:

History of science and technology in steam approaches: impacts of a non-formal education project on the development of participants’ scientific literacy | Cleidson Venturine (CIDTFF) & Isabel Malaquias (CIDTFF)

Unlocking science for all: fostering community empowerment through european researchers’ night in rural territories of Portugal | por Raquel Branquinho, I. Duarte, C. Sarabando, Susana Ambrósio (CIDTFF), P. Cruz, C. Damião, J. Duarte & Xana Sá Pinto (CIDTFF)


Instructional design and co-regulation learning strategies in distance education: a framework proposal | por Fernanda Ribeiro Faria (CIDTFF), Daniela Pedrosa (CIDTFF), Betina da Silva Lopes (CIDTFF) & Rodrigo Faria (CIDTFF)

A conferência internacional INTED reuniu professores, investigadores, técnicos e profissionais na área de educação com o objetivo de dar a conhecer as últimas investigações feitas em todo o mundo na área da educação. Este evento é organizado pela IATED – International Academy of Technology, Education and Development.

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