8 setembro, 2021 | Online

Raquel Ramos, investigadora do CIDTFF do Departamento de Educação e Psicologia da Universidade de Aveiro, apresentou o poster intitulado “Articulation of Educational Practices in Outdoor and Indoor Contexts in Preschool Education: Innovating and Training”, em coautoria com Aida Figueiredo (CIDTFF, DEP UA) e Ana Coelho (Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra) na conferência internacional EECERA 2021, no passado dia 8 de setembro.

Subordinada ao tema “Democratic Early Childhood Pedagogies”, decorre online entre os dias 1 e 17 de setembro.


This research aims to design, implement and evaluate a collaborative training program (CBP), in preschool education, in order to articulate the educational practices developed in a nature education program and in kindergartens.In fact, some studies in Portugal (Bento & Dias, 2017; Coelho et al., 2015; Figueiredo, 2015) have recommended the importance of connection and fluidity between the outdoor and indoor educational environment. Therefore, this research falls within the conceptual framework of Bronfenbrenner’s (1974) ecological and systemic theory, Gibson’s (2000) ecological perception theory, and Laevers’ (2005) experiential approach, all of which argue that children learn through active interaction with their environment.The study is being conducted within an interpretative paradigm qualitative research (Amado, 2017). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 4 educators, in the Coimbra area, as well as participant observation of their practices. The analysis is being conducted through content analysis supported by WebQDA software. The emotional well-being and implication scale was applied to 24 children. In this sense, the research participants gave their informed, free and informed consent, including the children, having the right to their anonymity, data confidentiality and to withdraw from the study at any stage. The findings suggest that collaborative and articulated work among professionals, through CBP, contributes to the development of innovative and quality educational strategies in diverse contexts. Thus, the research results suggest potential implications for educational policies and practices, in the sense of recognizing and valuing nature as a learning context in the preschool curriculum in Portugal, properly articulated with the kindergarten classrooms.

Palavras-chave: articulation of educational practices, outdoor learning, kindergarten, training, preschool education

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