II English Writing Exhibition: CONFLICT & RESOLUTION

II English Writing Exhibition:


Conflict seems to be everywhere we turn, conflict within our family, between friends or colleagues, conflict between nations and even within ourselves.

In the words of the actor Mike Judge:

‘In order to have a plot, you have to have a conflict, something bad has to happen’  

Write a text about conflict and send your entries to mgomes@ua.pt  by 18th March, 2014 using the template available at:
http://blogs.ua.pt/dlc/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Creative-English-writing-template.pptx .

Any image included must not violate copyright laws.

The II English Writing Exhibition will take place from 21st March to 25th April, 2014, in room 2.1.11, at the Department of Languages and Cultures of the University of Aveiro.